Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gertrude and Ophelia Essay

Shakespeare’s characterization of Gertrude and Ophelia in Hamlet is paradoxical as it challenges as well as complements the contemporary social traditions and norms. Gertrude is the best example of this paradox that is manifested through her extraordinary supremacy over all the major characters of Hamlet, her influence in the court matters and state affairs and her blind obedience to Claudius. Ophelia is also active in her domestic domain but her interest are restricted to amorous and matrimonial maters only and they are further directed by his father Polonius and brother Laertes. She is an epitome of traditional feminist expressions of the age that require chastity, compliance and acceptance of male dominancy from women. Gertrude influence is wide ranging as it encompasses the domestic as well as the state affairs. Simultaneously she manifests the behaviour that is in consonance with the contemporary traditional view. She has the ability to captivate, fend off, or manipulate all important male characters for her own interests. Act 2, scene 2, clearly manifests how Gertrude behaves authoritatively with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and with Polonius. This scene further depicts her interaction with Claudius and influence she possesses over Claudius. But she further exhibit the behaviour hat is an embodiment of Elizabethan socio-cultural milieu and its values. She is subservient to Claudius when she agrees to Claudius’ plan to trap Hamlet, ‘I shall obey you,’ (3. 1. 37). Again in the closet scene, she is in compliance to Hamlet’s orders; ‘What should I do? ’ she asks (3. 4. 181). Furthermore, despite Gertrude’s conformist female acquiescent behaviour, her excessive sexuality and lust makes him a non-traditional woman. This portrayal of Gertrude clearly challenges the social and ethical norm of Elizabethan society. Her sexuality is intimidating for both Hamlets, father and son, who consider it brutal, extreme, and tainted: ‘Nay, but to live/ In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,/ Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love/ Over the nasty sty’ (3. 4. 92- ¬95); Again it is said; ‘ So lust, though to a radient angel linked,/ Will sate itself in a celestial bed And prey on garbage. ’ (1. 5. 55 ¬-57). These lines are not in conformity with the woman image of contemporary society where woman’s chastity was the first condition for her social recognition. The relation of Hamlet and Gertrude is marked with oedipal connotations. Hamlet is placed in a situation his unconscious incestuous inclinations are juxtaposed with the apparent incestuous relationship of Gertrude and Claudius who is a new father figure to him. This juxtaposition and presence of Oedipal feelings plays an important in changing Hamlet’s behaviour toward his mother. Ophelia is raised in a motherless environment so she was dominated by the mannish thought and authority from the earliest. Thus her character is formed to accept the demands and wishes external to her own self. Furthermore, Shakespeare characterization of Ophelia is influenced by the cultural tradition of the male-dominant Elizabethan society. Ophelia is a typical character that is a mirror image of contemporary society. She remains passive in the domestic and emotional domain. Ophelia has no identity of her own and all her domestic and amorous matters are directed by her father. Polonius endeavours to fashion the life and attitude of Ophelia according to his own wishes. He considers his desires as her desires and tries to tailor her approach by various means. So right from the very start, Ophelia is under the sway of Laertes and Polonius. So her character is in complete conformity with the traditional values of that time. Polonius always responds from a position of authority over Ophelia, emphasizing his power as the decision-maker for her. Both her father and brother have a self assigned task of directing Ophelia how to act properly in every domain of her life. Although Shakespeare has characterized Ophelia as inferior to male characters, but characterization of Gertrude has dual characteristic. Sometime it challenges the traditions of the conformist society and sometime it itself become conforms to the values of the society by acting passively. Although Gertrude and Ophelia are two different women but they are caught in the same dilemma and circumstances in relation to Hamlet. Both love Hamlet and suffer due to their relation with Hamlet. Although Gertrude follows the bidding of Claudius throughout the story, and cannot even effectually resist Polonius, she evinces a deep love for Hamlet. She almost lives by looking at Hamlet. The contempt and hatred of her beloved son cut her to the quick and drives her to the very verge of madness. It must be noted that when Hamlet’s upbraiding grows unbearable for the queen, the ghost of his father steps in to save Gertrude from a further expression of their son’s bitter hatred. Shakespeare has characterized her as a round character that develops herself as the play moves toward its end. Although she acknowledges her blunders but is not fully aware of its overall gravity and effect on Hamlet. She says to Hamlet; O Hamlet, speak no more! / Thou turn’st mine eyes into my very soul,/ And there I see such black and grained spots/ As will not leave their tinct. (3. 4. 89-92) Same happens with Ophelia as Hamlet is harsh to Ophelia. He charges her with unfaithfulness. Polonius and Laertes warn her of excessive indulgence in amorous affair with Hamlet. Although she is caring and loves her family i. e. Polonius and Laertes but her love for Hamlet was stronger than her discretion. So she â€Å"sucked the honey of his music vows†, (3. 1. 57) and that his loss to her madder her â€Å"of ladies most deject and wretched†. (3. 1. 56) We know that her love for Hamlet was not so strong yet queen hopes in vain that her virtues â€Å"Will bring him to his wonted way again. † (3. 1. 41) Both Gertrude and Ophelia do not direct or affect the course of events directly but their role is of considerable importance for understanding the character of Hamlet. Hamlet at once intensely Gertrude and passionately hates her. Same is the case with Ophelia. Hamlet loves him fervently and in an honourable way as Ophelia declares early in the play; My lord, he hath importuned me with/ In honourable fashion. (1. 3. 100-111) Later in the play, Hamlet communicates his feeling toward her in this way on her grave; I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers/ Could not, with all their quantity of love,/ Make up my sum, (5. 1. 269-271) There are some visible differences between Gertrude and Ophelia as mentioned above but there subtle and implicit differences too. One of these differences is their attitude toward faithfulness. Gertrude seems unfaithful whereas Ophelia embodies the spirit of Elizabethan concept of fidelity. Gertrude is an instrument of, and incentive towards, crime; she is not criminally involved herself. The only exception to this the fact that by consenting to marry Claudius only such a short while after the death of her husband, she betrays either the greater infirmity of will, or an abnormally high degree of sexuality. The ghost makes it clear that Gertrude was neither an accessory to the murder nor even aware of it. We can call her a weak woman, not a wicked or depraved woman. The ghost styles her ‘seeming virtuous’. Hamlet forces her to search her heart. Then she is able to see how shameless and offensive to good sense and modesty her ‘over-hasty marriage’ was. It is quite clear that Ophelia is constant in her faithfulness to Hamlet as well as to her family. This tussle between love and duty plays some part in her loss of sanity. She is devotedly fond even of his tyrannical father and listens meekly to her brother’s precepts and promises; â€Å"I shall the effect of this good lesson keep/ As watchman to my heart†. (1. 3. 45-46) As in all things she obeys him, no matter how much it costs her to disobey the promptings of her heart. She also becomes an instrument for spying on the prince. But on the other side her love and fidelity to Hamlet remains the strongest factor in her life. Although she never declares her love in so many words, yet we know that her heart was given entirely to him. This is a manifestation of divergent rather conflictive faithfulness that she to his lover and family. Despite this intricate environment, she never betrayed her family as well as Hamlet. Another important contrast is their strength of character in reacting to this complex situation. Gertrude remains stable in this state of affairs due to her strong characterization but Ophelia turns mad and behaves like childlike. Thus she becomes the most pathetic of Shakespeare characters. Unlike Gertrude she possesses a childlike simplicity and maintains it throughout the play. So Shakespeare dramatic realism has produced a character full of pathos and miseries in the form of Ophelia and has used it effectively, like Gertrude, in the overall design of the play. As above-mentioned claims supported by textual and extra-textual facts clearly reveal that both Gertrude and Ophelia have certain common characteristics but they were not certainly identical characters. Both are used as subsidiaries to the main characters. Shakespeare skilfully takes advantage of their presence in the play and uses them in the larger design of the play. He further shows different manifestation of human character through them. Although both remain a prey to same dilemma and to an almost same fate in the play but as both have different dispositions and socio-cultural upbringing so they react differently to the situations and they have different roles to play in the play. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Washington Square Press: New York, 1992.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Justinian’s Military Battles Essay

Justinian carried on the unending war against the Persians with mixed success. His general Belisarius lost a battle at first in 528, then completely routed the Persians at Daras, near Nisibis (June, 530); but on 19 April, 531, the Romans were defeated near Callinicum on the Euphrates; in September a peace was arranged on fairly equal terms. The emperor then conceived the plan of reconquering Africa and Italy, lost to the empire by the Vandal and Gothic invasions. In 533 a fleet of five hundred ships set sail for Africa under Belisarius. In two battles the Romans annihilated the Vandal kingdom, took the king, Gelimer, prisoner to Constantinople, and re-estabished the authority of Caesar in Africa. In 535 Belisarius sailed for Sicily. The island was conquered at once. After a reverse in Dalmatia that province was also subdued. Belisarius in 536 took Rhegium and Naples, entered Rome in triumph, seized Ravenna, sustained a siege in Rome till 538, when the Goths retired. A second general, Narses, then arrived with reinforcements from Constantinople; Milan and all Liguria were taken in 539, and in 540 all Italy up to the frontier of the Frankish Kingdom was reunited to the empire. In 542 the Goths revolted under their king, Totila; by 553 they were again crushed. Narses became the first Exarch of Italy. Verona and Brixia (Brescia), the last Gothic strongholds, fell in 562. The Roman armies then marched on Spain and conquered its south-eastern provinces (lost again in 623, after Justinian’s death. ) Meanwhile the Crimean Goths and all the Bosporus, even the Southern Arabs, were forced to acknowledge the rule of Rome. A second war against the Persians (540-45) pushed the Roman frontier beyond Edessa. From 549 to 556 a long in Armenia and Colchis (the Lazic War) again established the empire without a rival on the shores of the Black Sea. So Justinian ruled once more over a colossal world empire, whose extent rivaled that of the great days before Diocletian. Meanwhile the emperor was no less successful at home. In 532 a very dangerous revolt (the Nika revolution), that arose from the factions of the Circus (the Blues and Greens), was put down severely. Bury says that the result of the suppression was â€Å"an imperial victory which established the form of absolutism by which Byzantine history is generally characterized†. (Later Roman Empire, I, 345).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Barcelona FC History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barcelona FC History - Essay Example However, despite the many challenges in the initial years of FCB foundation, the club did not take long before it started to enjoy success on various strategies and also in field activities. During the time of Spanish war, the team was faced with a financial crisis in addition to having a unsupportive government system that frustrated many initiatives taken by the club. According to, the period of the 1940s was a blessing to FCB for having attained membership of around 25,000 people and won 21 Catalan matches in addition to getting 9 trophies (n.d). It is the continued success of the club in field activities that continued to attract additional members to join the club hence relieving the FCB financial burden. In addition, the increased membership and growth of the number of fans necessitated the construction of a larger stadium that would host a larger number of spectators allied to the club. Therefore, the FCB initiated the construction of stadium Camp Nou that took ab out three years for completion.Additionally, the FCB motto has contributed significantly to the success of the club since it was founded. The club motto, "Mà ©s que un club", meaning more than a club, was proclaimed by Narcà ­s de Carreras, a onetime FCB president, in 1968 (, n.d). During the reign of the authoritarian leader, Francisco Franco, the FCB had been given a lot of restriction pertaining the club operations also membership because of the perceived association to a radicalization of the Catalans.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Customs and Traditions of People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Customs and Traditions of People - Essay Example In the three essays "Is Fast Food Responsible for a Crisis in Public Health ",''Do You Want Fries With That?" and "Pass The Butter, Please" they illustrate how the fast food harms our bodies. Fighting against the obsession, advertising is the reason behind the expansion of the fast food industry. The junk food has a lot of negative effects on health. In the essay "Is Fast Food Responsible for a Crisis in Public Health", the author illustrates many reasons for people’s obsession with the fast food and says that in the year 2008, about 65 per cent of the adult Americans were found to be obese. People consuming fast food have become overweight. In addition, several other habits such as drinking beer, eating sweets and not doing the physical work-out are also making people overweight and obese. It is not only the adults who have become overweight, but also a lot of children who frequently consume junk food in school have become overweight and have caught many diseases such as type 2 diabetes. The author says that children as young as six-year olds have become overweight, obese and have caught the diseases. In the Middle East, most people cook food at home throughout the week. The maids or the wives cook the foods at home. When it is the weekend, they either make a big tradition meal at home or go to some restaurant outside to eat. The children also eat the food cooked by the mothers or the maids at home most of the times. There in no lunch at school. People who live by themselves such as guys in Saudi Arabia rely on the fast food a lot, still the percentage of overweight and obese people in the Middle East is significantly lesser than that in America. In my case, I used to eat fast food a lot when I was in America, but when I returned to my country, I quit eating the fast food and spent my vacations trying out my mother's dishes. The rapid advertisement of the fast food sometimes makes it impossible for the people to revert to the home-cooked food. In Emily Rivera's essay "Do You Want Fries With That", the author explains how the advertisement of a new meal especially at a famous restaurant such as McDonald's affects people. In America, you can see the advertisements every where including on TV, billboards and on the internet. The prices are always low enough to attract the costumers. The advertising companies try to convince the American people to consume their products. For example, when the McDonald's restaurant advertises a new breakfast, it says that you should start a new day with the wonderful breakfast available at a low price. Logically, when somebody wants to save time in the morning and also save money, he/she would prefer buying the low-priced food from a restaurant rather than cooking relatively expensive food at home. Advertising companies always make the customers addicted to their products like fast food. People always get attracted to the idea of saving time and money and thus, eat the fast food. In the Middle East, th e fast food is not advertised everywhere like it is in America. However, you do see some advertisement in malls, weekly newspapers and on the TV. In addition, people usually have limited number of famous restaurants, though there are a lot of the local restaurants to choose from. In my case, sometimes I see some advertisement on the TV and buy the product. I enjoy it because I had prepared

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Summary and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summary and response - Essay Example This will result in a learner who is well-versed in the many different aspects of learning. It must be understood that job skills are not sufficient. As such, they are not likely to prepare a learner to work effectively and efficiently. In Becoming a Learner, Matthew Sanders (2012, p. 8) states that â€Å"college is a time of preparation,† Meaning that it should be used only as a springboard for further success. In order to make improvements in this area, there is a need to optimize learning while in college. Therefore, it is evident that the learned skills in college will not enhance professionalism while working, meaning that learners have to go to greater lengths in gaining greater knowledge and skills. Author Matthew Sanders works at Utah State University, where he helps students get the most of out of their college experience in addition to being an assistant professor of communication studies (Sanders, 2012). Sanders seems to use his own experience of college, combined with what he now knows, to offer an informed opinion as to exactly what the college student should pursue while on campus. He is looking to reach people who are already in college or are about to graduate from high school and will be going to college. The purpose of Sanders’s book is to persuade the reader that they need to get their priorities right in college because otherwise it will be of little use to them. As this work was self-published, Sanders is able to give more of a personal feel to the text, which helps his message resonate with students. It must be noted that problems will always exist in the work place. These problems will vary in complexity and simplicity. As a matter of fact, many organizations need to solve such problems in the shortest amount of time possible. According to Sanders (2012), solving such problems requires both a skillful and knowledgeable person. In most instances, problem

Monday, August 26, 2019

Vision for the Future of Nursing Speech or Presentation

Vision for the Future of Nursing - Speech or Presentation Example Evidence-based nursing draws upon the results and findings of ongoing research in nursing so that knowledge incorporates into practice, and the quality of health care improves. The application of nursing theory has immense influence upon the professional nursing practice. Nursing theories assist nurses in the prediction and analysis of, and rational decision making in every day experiences. Nursing theories facilitate the intervention process by providing the nurses with a rationale for obtaining reliable information regarding the patients’ health. Nursing theories establish the standards for the measurement of quality of healthcare provided by the nurses. Finally, the nursing theories function to enhance the autonomy of nurses by defining their individualistic roles and responsibilities. Nurses need to have an adequate knowledge of the nursing theories to enhance their productivity and rational decision making ability. Two features that lay the foundations of almost any kind of model of healthcare delivery are mobility and portability. Today, these features are evident in the growth of ambulatory healthcare centers, freestanding clinics as well as all sorts of nonhospital settings. Trends are changing for the better and more Americans are aging at their homes rather than in old houses these days. There is increased tendency for children to avoid institutions for their parents in the future. This imparts the need for the nurses to deliver the care at the patients’ homes. â€Å"There’s a shift away from institutional care toward individual responsibility, and a move from hospitals and nursing homes to retail, kiosks, and home† (Hines cited in Saver, 2006). This is inconsistent with the general training of the nurses in which they gain education so as to deliver care in a hospital-based environment. In addition to that patients today want increased level of personal control over their healthcare, which generates a need for the nurses t o develop innovative methods of delivery of healthcare and expect more self-diagnostic tests by the patients. These changes have increased the number of challenges for the seasoned nurses. To play their role effectively as before, it is imperative that the hospital-based nurses place more emphasis on assisting the patients with transiting to where they will mostly heal; their homes. Nursing schools are currently suffering from budget constraints because of which, millions of qualified applicants turn away. There has also been a shortage of nursing faculty in the recent years. Research suggests that almost 50% of the faculty members serving in the nursing schools would have reached the age of retirement within the next 10 years; â€Å"the anticipated attrition represents a crisis in the making, with potentially far-reaching consequences for the replenishment of the nurse workforce, which is itself on the verge of losing some 500,000 nurses to retirement† (Aiken, 2011). The dec line of the graduation rate of nurses as well as the nursing faculty is a matter of great concern, especially when there are numerous good employment opportunities for nurses in the present age. The fundamental reason this is happening is that nursing students and faculty members are required to return to school after the completion of basic education and a couple of additional academic degrees and not many nurses find this route simple enough to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case Study Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Case Study Report - Essay Example According to the latest figures unemployment is down to 7.4 percent. In 2008, the global financial crisis led UK into the deepest and longest recession ever in their history. But the good news is that the consumer spending is rising because of cheap and easy credit. The GDP of the country which is the main economic growth indicator rose by 0.8 percent in Q3 2013. This shows that the country is slowly recovering (Henry, 2008, p. 217). Social forces The changes in social and cultural factors have a profound effect on the fashion industry. The shopping habits in UK are beginning to evolve because of the rapid ageing population and migration trends which are changing the ethnic makeup of the towns and cities. According to KPMG, over the next ten years, around two-thirds of all the retail spending growth in UK will come from people who are aged 55 or above. The main challenge to the Fashion retailers in UK is to come to terms with the ageing population of UK and change their product portf olio according to their specific demands and tastes. Technical forces The fashion retailers are now developing online business models which complement the traditional form of retailing like the brick and mortar retailing. The fashion retailers are also making their presence across social networking sites where they can interact with their customers. Legal Forces The UK retail business has to comply with a number of regulations like Minimum wage legislation. This requires the UK employers to pay a minimum of ?6.19 on hourly basis to the employees aged above 21. They have to incorporate equal opportunities legislation and other parliament acts so that they can ensure equality both in the recruitment and selection and in the work place. Key trends potential trends Over the past 20 years the fashion retail industry has become one of the world’s most fiercely competitive industries in retail sector. There have been major structural changes in the way a fashion retailer do business . In the early 1990s there were a few big retail fashion players like Next, Littlewoods, and Spencer’s. Now the market is more crowded with players like Arcadia, Primark, Inditex and Forever 21 fighting to own larger market share. The major change has been the rise of internet. Majority of the fashion retailers are now going online to make their business global. The fashion retailers have created new standards for themselves. According to a study in the next five years, 40 percent of all the high street stores are up for renewal. Stores are getting more exciting for the customer to visit. Another important change is that the customers now get more value for their price. Both the cost prices and the selling prices have now fallen and the customers can now get superb quality of material at much lower price as compared to 20 years ago (Sadler, 2003, p. 164). Environmental forces The physical environment in which fashion retail industry operates in UK is relatively benign as comp ared to other areas in the world which suffers from natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and forest fires. But the customers are becoming more aware of the impact business has on their

Saturday, August 24, 2019

PARADE FIELD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PARADE FIELD - Essay Example rs of the Lyman Ward Military Academy [LWMA] to name a building for General Futch; they responded by offering Brunner the chance to select the appropriate venue himself. The problem with having a larger-than-life hero is that any building never seems quite grand enough to fit the bill. Frustrated and disappointed, Brunner headed to the parade field to think. He had inadvertently steered himself to the very field on which thousands of military service members had drilled, and no more appropriate tribute was conceivable once the notion had entered his head (Brunner 2). A mere two years after discovering his quest, Brunner and some of his fellow LWMA alumni had personally footed the bill for the construction of a monument to be placed on the field in the General’s honor. The response was overwhelming. The amount needed was soon met, and contributions were soon turned away. Fulch died that year at the age of ninety-six years- only one day short of ninety-seven; he was a survivor as a service member and as a civilian. He was laid to rest with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, and one of his daughters filled in for him as the guest of honor at the ceremony that officially dubbed the field the Brigadier General T.L. Futch Parade Field. It was made of brick- the very bricks that had graced the walls of his office in Russell Hall before it burned down in 1985. West Point also saw fit to include the dedication of the parade field in its July 1993 newsletter. A copy of this article, which was submitted by one of Futch’s daughters, stands today in West Point’s Tallapoosa Hall (Brunner 3-4). His division (the thirty-fifth) was legendary for its contributions to World War II and the fight against the Nazis. It was a desperate time following the attacks on Pearl Harbor, and men were afraid. It took strong men to lead them. Although not a general at the time, Futch fought valiantly and founded the legacy of military excellence for which he was known

The role of the Nazi medical professionals in the Holocaust Essay

The role of the Nazi medical professionals in the Holocaust - Essay Example The id is the violent, animalistic side that comes to the fore in moments of stress and also within wars, when the power of the superego (laws, norms etc.) becomes diluted (Jones, 1955). The case of the Nazi medical professionals, who indulged in a series of experiments that ranged from the nominally 'medical' to the outright sadistic, seems to suggest that given the opportunity, many people, and even those who are meant to be dedicated to caring for people will allow the id that has been lurking within them to fore. This essay will deal with both the general tendencies of Nazi rule that led to the doctors' involvement in various atrocities, from euthanasia of infants to selections of those to go to the gas chambers to medical experiments, together with the specifics of some of the people involved. The questions of "how" and "why" are often linked within this study. As will be seen, many of the doctors seemed to be able to convince themselves that what they were doing was at least nominally in the interests of medical science. William Shirer (1959) presents the situation very well. He states that Thus the Nazi medical experiments must be considered not only from the relatively small number of doctors who actually took an active part in them, but also the tens of thousands other doctors who passively endorsed the experiments through their silence. This overall complicity of the German medical community within the Holocaust in general may be partially explained by the indoctrination to Nazi principles that had occurred with the steady development of Nazi hegemony within Germany. As Robert Lifton (2000) puts it, "the oath of loyalty to Hitler they took as SS military officers was much more real to them than a vague ritual performed at medical school" (p.207). Even for those doctors who were not members of the SS there was a sense of loyalty to the state that was perhaps much more real than the Hippocratic oath they had probably taken decades before. As with many of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, those performed by doctors did not start at the extremes, but rather gradually developed. Thus medical doctors were first used to perform the "mercy killing" or "euthanasia" of the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped and those that were terminally ill or otherwise regarded as a burden to the Nazi state. This started with the killing of "idiot children" and the severely "mentally ill" (Lifton, p.180). Such killing was also accomplished through essentially letting newborn babies with defects die. Doctors argued that "there was no justification for keeping such a child alive" (Lifton, p.51). It is interesting to note that the act of killing is transformed into a more passive definition of "not keeping" the child alive. In these initial stages of using doctors within the Nazi plan for dominance, the Nazi hierarchy, on Hitler's explicit instruction, was careful to consider the sensibilities of those involved with the killing. Thus a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assess Asset allocation decision and security selection strategies Assignment

Assess Asset allocation decision and security selection strategies - Assignment Example at he will sell the ownership of the undervalued shares that he holds, borrow loan at an interest rate equivalent to his shareholding in that firm and then buy shares of equivalent proportion in the market. An arbitrage profit is obtained. I would recommend a duration of shorter duration of 3 years. This is due to the fact that a portfolio with low duration is ideal since the level of interest rate risk is low as compared to high duration portfolios. Immunization in the context of bond portfolio refers to an approach which matches the period of the firm’s assets and liabilities with a view of reducing the effect of interest rates on the total net worth of the firm. The institution should invest in equal proportions of both bond A and B as this will help to offset the interest rate and the risk so as to immunize the portfolio. Is the interest rates increases from 7% to 8% the institution might consider interest rate risk that is duration shifting which implies that portfolio duration can only be reduced by incorporating bonds that have a short maturity period or those with a high coupon

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

Arthur Miller Essay An important theme in Arthur Millers play All My Sons is the responsibility a man has for another man. Miller stressed that people must be held accountable for their actions to society and they will be held accountable by the inevitable justice found in the universe: karma. This theme is expressed through action as well as characters throughout the entire play; it is subtle at first but slowly becomes more prominent until Joe Keller finally realizes exactly how his actions affected people outside of his family. To begin, Kellers character is important to the theme because he represents the opposite of being responsible for his actions and being held accountable to society. Joe Keller seems like a simple kind of man. His greatest wishes are to obtain the American dream for his wife and to create a legacy to pass on to his son. However, he harbors a dark secret that explains how he achieved those dreams for his family- he knowingly shipped out faulty airplane parts during wartime. Up until the time of the play, Keller did not believe he did a terrible thing by shipping those parts out. As he explains, when he came home from jail he was like an expert on the whole jail thing and, over time, the children got it confused and [he] ended up a detective(29). Or, more clearly, he went from being the bad guy to being the good guy. In Kellers mind, he was the good guy because he saved his family from being poor and having their reputations in the gutter. He says to his wife, you wanted money, so I made money(76). To him, he simply did what he had to do to protect and take care of his family. At that point in his life he was not able to see the big picture of things; he was only able to see one little contour, just one small piece, of what makes up the universe. Furthermore, it is evident that Kellers small piece of the universe, his family, is what is most important to him. Throughout the play he tells Chris that everything he has done with the business , including sending out cracked gear heads, was for Chris: it was a chance and I took it for you(70). Keller believed that he had to send out those parts so that he would still have a business to pass on to his son. Chris replies what is that, the world- the business?(70). He is asking his father if the whole world is the business. And the answer in Kellers mind is, as long as it takes care of his family, yes it is the world. Slowly, though, Keller begins to see just what his actions have caused to happen to other people. Take, for example, when he speaks to Ann about her father, Steve. He finds out that Ann and George never visit Steve in jail and that they dont even write to him. Keller is unable to understand why the children would crucify their father and he pleads with Ann to not make a murderer out of him(32). He realizes that Steves life was ruined and his relationships with his children, something that Keller gives very high value to, are ruined as well. It is also easy to believe that Keller doesnt want to see Steve crucified because if he is, that means that Keller should be too. And if Keller was punished for his actions, that means there is something bigger in the world than the relationship between father and son. The whole ordeal with Steve and Steves children gives Keller a clue that there may be bigger things in the world than familial relationships and also that there may be consequences to wrongful actions. Finally, Chris and Larry (posthumously) work to enlighten Keller that theres a universe of people outside and that [hes] responsible to it(84). Chris character alone serves as a guidepost to this revelation. He is the epitome of the idea of responsibility and accountability to society because he is the person that reaches for something he wants but pulls back because other people will suffer(16). Chris takes other peoples feelings and well-being into account before he acts. He learned to be so self-less in the war, as he watched his men kill themselves for each other. He describes it as a kind of responsibility. Man for man(35-36). He learned that you cannot only look out for yourself in this world, but you have to help other people out as well. And Larry, whom Keller thought shared his ideas on the way the world was made (with a forty-foot front), had a good sense that people must consider the good of the many before they act for the few. It is his letter to Ann, in which he states he cant bear to live anymore(83) because of what his father did, that brings everything crashing down around Keller. In the same way Larrys memorial tree came crashing down and allowed more light to shine into the arbor, his letter shined light onto the true ways of the universe. Everything that Keller stood for, everything he believed in was wrong. He finally realized that he did a terrible thing that killed not only strangers, but people who were fathers, brothers, and sons. In essence, he killed the thing he lives for; he killed family. This revelation drives home the idea that justice will inevitably be brought to the wrong-doers. Kellers karma comes back and makes him not only set everything right in the universe again but pay the ultimate price for his actions: death by his own hand. Chris, Ann, and Kate can now move forward, not bogged down by shame and guilt, and they can live.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Naturalism And Anti Naturalism Philosophy Essay

Naturalism And Anti Naturalism Philosophy Essay Naturalism is the natural state where there is no other types of knowledge other than scientific knowledge and aims to explain all known or other apparently un natural. Naturalism is justified by empirical evidence, experiment, empiricism, theory, data collection and laws. Anti-Naturalism denies the claim of human behaviours and evidence supporter but do not have the same positive route instead comes from hermeneutics. Example Human action is characterized by intentionality, rationality and reflexivity. ii. falsificationism and hermeneutics The falsificationism is proposed by scientist K.Popper. According to him, the scientific knowledge has to be at least in principle, if principle or theory is refutable and the logic behind no matter how large is empirical evidence, scientist does not attempt to prove or make their theory plausible by means of observations and experiments. Scientist should put the theory on trial by falsification. This methodology is falsificationism. If the theory is not stand by falsification the theorem is not true. Hermeneutics is the study of interpretation and understanding. It has broad scope; its base is in literary criticism rather than linguistics. It is one of the most sophisticated ways of reading text and concerns with understanding its meaning, how it is related to its own contemporaneous world and in turn, how it is related to our present world. It is criticized for having no any theoretical base that, some argue and leads practitioners to invent underlying structures rather than discover them. iii. realism and anti-realism Realism is the position that maintain, there is a real world and that is independent of us. It is concerning with science and should therefore be to give true or approximately true description of reality. Anti-realism means there is no possible justification of believing in reality other than constructed in human mind. In anti-realism we make our own world in mind or we can say Anti-realism and idealism is very much similar. iv. Marxism, feminism and humanism Marxism is historical materialism. This theory revolves round material condition of human existing and different modes of production of societies called the capitalism. These modes create certain relationship and attitudes towards nature. This relation reforms economical based of society and its activity, it could be living matter, political system and religious belief etc. In Classical sense Marxism is a historicist in which it past detailed knowledge in order to know something about present. Feminism is holistic theory in comparison with individual conduct explained by laws, scale and social facts. Mass of feminism is related with economic of society. It is the way of justify the knowledge claims. Humanism is more of precision and assumes that human beings have consciousness, intentionality and we all are moral beings. All human being actions are voluntarily and which allowed individual exercise with their free wheel in the machine of societies. The structure of society is influenced by human and its activities. v. post-modernism Post-modernism is against the grand theory (other social theories and methods) in Post modernistic methods, several voices and theories not just only one are allowed to say and no theory is privilege over known. Post-modernism creates differences, often uses construction and analysing tool and way to understand research and difference discourses involved. In Post-modernism, knowledge is multiple and situated which means situation is depended upon circumstances. 2. What can post-modernism be accused for and what do you think about it? Post-modernism can be accused for its relativism, it makes some time impossible to choose between two different interpretations. In different prospective we have different answer in those case both answer are right and it is difficult to act which is correct and which should be judged correctly. 3. Do you think it is possible to be a pure realist or anti-realist, and naturalist or anti-naturalist? I think it is not possible to be pure realistic or anti realistic and naturalist or anti realist as a practical matter. Its depend upon in which field you are conducting your research. Realist is based on scientific theories who describes that there is real world which is independent us, while Anti realist is who takes scientific theories which is not true. Realist and anti realist behave identical in doing scientific research. The only difference is that the realist adds an extra and unnecessary assumption that the reason our best theories are so empirically useful is that they accurately describe the world as it is, whereas the anti-realist prefers not to make that assumption (Pigliucci, 2012). As an example, theory A is true or false on the basis of some empirical evidence or test and it may not in other evidence or test because there might be many theories logically coherent to give empirical evidence. Similarly, Naturalism is the way of scientific methods on the basis of empirical evidence. For doing research in natural science is based on theory, laws, data collection and experiment but in case of social science like human geography is not always based on such evidences, its also based on human behaviour and experience and its support anti naturalism. 4. Do you think it is possible to exclusively have only an empiristic or hermeneutic perspective in the search of knowledge? It is not exclusively possible either empiristic or hermeneutic in the search of knowledge. The main question arises here in which field you are doing your research; natural science or social science. Empiristic way of searching knowledge always emphasis on evidence such as; observation, data collection and experiment as the basis of scientific knowledge to justify its claim. Empiristic supports naturalism. But hermeneutic way of searching knowledge is based on number of ways of interpreting human action such as, idealism, phenomenology, postmodernism, and post -structuralism. Hermeneutic supports anti naturalism. As a researcher both prospective have to choose according to research field. The following problem requires a little bit more of time and space: 6. Write a short essay (2-3 pages long) describing some different scientific philosophies in relation to your own research area. GIS and its Philosophy: Introduction: The term Geographical Information system (GIS) or geographic information system is recent phenomena, was used in North America and frequently applied to geographically based computer technology. It is very difficult to exactly define the term GIS due to number of reasons. There has been some debate about its origin and first application in the field although there have been several technological and theoretical organizational developments during the last thirty years. The rapid rate of progress has not been conductive to the analysis and definition of GIS (Maguire: 1991). The GIS is broad field, it is characterized by diversity of applications because it is integrated systems which brings many developed ideas including agriculture, botany, computing, economics, engineering, mathematics, photogrammetry, surveying, zoology and mostly Geography together in the same platform. There is not specific theory or philosophy which exactly defines the GIS because there are many different ways of defining and classifying objects and subjects. Due to diversity application of GIS in different field, many different methods have been applied to GIS. Classifications based on functionality have been popular and some other tried to develop schemes based genealogy, cost size, platform, application area and data model (Maguirie: 1991). There are theoretical difficulties of genuine academic debate about the central focus of present GIS activity. Some people believe that GIS focuses hardware and software, other argues that the main element is information processing, some people think that GIS is just tools or is it social process? Here are some definitions given by GIS philosopher: Aronoff (1989): any manual system or computer based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data. Carter (1989): an institutional entity, reflecting an organizational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time. Parker (1998): an information technology which stores, analyses and displays both spatial and non spatial data. Dueker (1979): a special case of information systems where the database consists of observations on spatially distributed features, activities, or events ,which are definable in spaces as points, lines or areas. A GIS manipulates data about these points, lines and areas to retrieve data for ad hoc queries and analyses. GIS and Feminism: Kwan (2002) argued how some of most influential feminist were used in the critical disclosure of GIS. For example Donna Haraway (1991), Liz Bondi and Mona Domosh (1992) were criticized GIS for objectifying way of knowing and the transcendent vision or the Gods eye view it enables. But Haraway (1991) proposition about possibility for feminist to undermine the views towards the main subjects was ignored, an important aspects of her cyborg agenda was lost in critical disclosure. According to Kwan (2002), using of Haraway in asserting GIS impose systems of monitoring misses her emphasis on womens participation in science and technology. He mentioned that women engagement with GIS as an important feminist strategy for writing cyborg and warns that failure to do so can severely impact upon gender equality in Geography on the basis of recent result of enrolment and employment trends of Women Geographers. The form of another engagement with GIS is to raise the voices of feminist GIS users and researchers who spoke their personnel experience on the issue of GIS. Carol Hall (1996) explored the link between the masculinist culture of Computer work and GIS lab, where women cultural identity is dominated by constituted technology culture and turn affects their attitude towards GIS technology. Hagger (2003) mentioned about the discomfort experienced in the GIS lab, which she described as the domain of white, middle to upper class graduate geography students. GIS and Post modernism: Postmodernism theory argue for the productive view of the objects either objects in reality with essential attributes or such objects are indirectly created by people for their needs. GIS is objective subscriber because objects are located in Cartesian space. There are at least three aspects of GIS (Yapa: 1998)- it technology, disciplinary location and methodology, which maintained the distance from concern of modern social theory. In this instance, GIS played the very limited role for addressing the social problems and question related to social policy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay on Terrorist Groups in the Middle East

Essay on Terrorist Groups in the Middle East A Terrorist or a Soldier? A Deeper look at â€Å"Terrorist† Groups in The Middle East Decorated with ribbons and medals a returning soldier is widely appreciated for their efforts endured during battle, they are named a survivor, even a hero. They are given a parade and honored for crushing the skulls of those ruining world peace in the Middle East. These soldiers have earned this celebration, right? After all, they have just returned from the land of barbaric savages and those living with the backwards mentality of devoting their entire lives to religion. A mentality that has caused the United States (a nation nondiscriminatory toward race, gender and surely religion) to take initiative in the Middle East (a region controlled by governments that have not fully advanced past religion). Unfortunately, this initiative has devastated many Arab countries, especially Iraq and Syria, and out of the ruble different terrorist groups developed, each with different missions. Terrorist groups in the Middle East can be traced as far back as 1948, when the United Nations decided I srael would replace a country previously known as Palestine (Bowen). Even today woman, like Ayat al-Akhras, are fleeing the West and heading to the Middle Eastern â€Å"wasteland† in order to become â€Å"terrorists† and aid the Palestinian state in its efforts to survive (Giovanni). But should the people who are involved in groups fighting for the freedom of a nation be considered equally as dangerous as the vicious brutes slaughtering those who do not support their views? Nonetheless, almost all terrorist groups have exploited a haven found in social media today, a haven that has abetted the recruitment effort of several radical organizations. Heavily empowered by social media, terrorists and quasi-terrorists prey on unsuspecting potential candidates; candidates who can be recruited for motives linked to religion, war and cultural connections. While here in The United States a typical morning consists of a tasty bowl of cereal and a television screen tuned in to the broadcast of a vehement battle going on between the New York Giants and San Diego Chargers; in Palestine a normal morning scene consists of the lament of a young teenage boys mother who has just seen her sons body and ligaments torn apart into pieces by a destructive Israeli machine gun and his remnants dismembered by a tank. The Palestinian Israeli Conflict has been raging on ever since the United Nations partition plan after World War II was put into action (Emadi). Unfortunately, the plan failed when the first Jewish settlers to step foot in Palestine razed the populations homes and forced families to reconcile somewhere else, today Palestinians only comprise about twenty percent of the Israeli population (Emadi). The creation of Israel caused the displacement of Palestinians; too weak to fight a war with the incoming settlers, the Palestinians involuntarily started a journey to somewhere distant from home, but similar to their Jewish oppressor’s history, they had nowhere to go. Forced to move on, Palestinians traveled to countries like Jordan and Egypt in search of shelter, which in turn stimulated the conflict from a Palestinian one to a Middle Eastern one. â€Å"TheIsraeli-Palestinianconflictis actually a hyper conflict influenced by local, regional, and global factors. It is no accident that the main accords producing temporary stability have been reached in periods of relative calm for the whole Middle East† (Casertano). The Palestinian conflict is in reality a Middle Eastern conflict, while the gruesome war is fought on the grounds of Jerusalem, Palestine, the soldiers are equipped and assembled in Sinai, Egypt and trained by the most elite sergeants in the Jordanian Army and Syrian Navy. This can be seen through the hiatus of fighting between Palestinians and Israelis during periods of stability in The Middle East; For example, in 1978, Egypt and Israel were able to reach the Camp David agreements after oil prices had been steadily falling in the region; the drop in prices helped reduce the aggressiveness of the countries in that region which in turn allowed two enemies to settle their argument (Casertano). â€Å"Later, the Oslo Accords were reached in the mid-1990s, at a time when Russia a disruptive player in the Middle East before and since had no political, military, or financial means to disrupt or influence the outcome† (Casertano). While The Palestinian Conflict effects the entire Middle East, Palestine is the only area of the conflict in which lives are threatened on a daily basis. For Palestinians, the fight for survival is the fight for freedom. To them the war has been going on for sixty seven years and they must continue to fight on. Adult males, children and even females all join the fight against the oppressing Israelis through any means possible. Adult Males try to attack Israeli soldiers using anything from Ak-47’s to rocks and glass bottles; females on the other hand find themselves in varying roles. In Palestine, females join Hamas and serve in a plethora of jobs, jobs that range from nursing and helping the wounded, to holding a weapon and attacking the nemesis. And then there are the females who discover that the only way to freedom is through perversity like Ayat al-Akhras who â€Å"Pushed a button on the belt strapped to her and detonated an explosive device in a crowded supermarket in Kiryat HaYovel, Jerusalem† (Giovanni). For Syria, Palestine’s close neighbors, females recruited by Al-Nusra, â€Å"a branch of Al-Qaeda creat ed in January 2012 that operates in Syria and Lebanon. Which has also been cited as the most aggressive and successful of the Syrian rebel groups† serve in deadly roles, transporting bombs across the border and fighting on the frontlines (Giovanni). On the other hand, Israelis believe that the war is over but several conflicts with Palestinian terrorist’s spring up on occasion and Israel has a right to put those conflicts down violently. Unfortunately Israel’s fighting morale is quite inhumane, they are known for hunting Palestinians in similar ways wild animals are hunted, slaughtering thousands of children in years past. A year ago in a recent conflict with Palestine, Israel was credited with â€Å"According to UNICEF, the murder of 59 Palestinian children — 43 boys and 16 girls —in the first nine days of the conflict, before the Israeli ground assault began. Most were under the age of 12.† (â€Å"Israeli and Palestinian†). While Isr aelis view Palestinians as terrorists, Palestinians view Israelis as Nazi like murderers. The Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades; and the Arab Spring has just added to the chaos by serving as a catalyst for terrorist groups, in countries like Syria and Iran, to gain more control and aid the Palestinian effort. The Israeli state deserves to exist, but viewing a group like Hamas, fighting for the survival of its torn nation, as a deadly terrorist organization is at the least contradictory considering that Americans live in a country amassed through a revolution. While groups like Hamas should be viewed with a little more sympathy, groups like ISIS should be viewed with more animosity and revulsion. Islam is similar to Christianity in a way; both have factions in which religion is interpreted differently and whether that difference be a mild or extreme one, the factions identify themselves as separate sectors of the religion. Comparable to the Protestant/Catholic conflict during the times of the Holy Roman Empire, the Sunni/Shiite conflict today remains at intense levels in the Iraqi homeland. Sunnis have always been at odds with Shiites; but nowhere have they pugnaciously acted out against each other like they have in Iraq. This violent relationship has caused the creation of groups like the Islamic State or ISIS. However, ISIS did not find its ignition in Iraq, rather it found its true base formed in the revolutionary sands of Syria. While George Bush was signing the agreement that ended the American Iraqi War, ISIS was moving out of Iraq and into Syria. Joining the Syrians in their fight against the government of President Bashar Assad, ISIS gained a stronghold in that area a fter losing the stronghold they had in Iraq to the American troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom (â€Å"Who’s To Blame†). The group made a profit, detained armor and weaponry, recruited followers and â€Å"became battle-trained and hardened† through its fight against Assad (â€Å"Who’s To Blame†). Quickly, this weak organization created an arduous force and refurbished from a group known as Al Qaeda in Iraq, to a terrorist organization feared and known as ISIS. â€Å"What began as a small group of individuals with a relatively common extremist ideology has grown to become one of the largest and most barbaric terrorist organizations in the world† (O’Briain). Today, Most Americans know about ISIS because of its intelligent advertising techniques. ISIS has managed to recruit talented individuals who were able to transform the media and technology fields to a whole new level; attracting more recruits and producing an outburst that has caused television to unintentionally promote the terrorist organization. The interesting thing about ISIS is the way it runs its â€Å"government†. They have taken away the Iraqi populations original government issued ID card and assigned them a new ISIS ID card to replace it (Cambanis and Collard). Furthermore, ISIS has redrawn the Middle Eastern border and legitimately created an ISIS nation. Unfortunately, for them, no other country in the world recognizes this border; but at the rate ISIS is developing today, the world might have to recognize the Islamic state’s redrawn border shortly. â€Å"ISIS looks much more like a functioning government than any of its detractors ever thought it would: it is pumping oil, policing streets, collecting taxes, [and] even planning to issue its own currency† (Cambanis and Collard). Although the Islamic State has assembled an organized and sophisticated ruling system, the way it has structured its judicial court and laws are on the complete opposite spectrum of civilization. The Islamic State runs an extremely strict code of law based on a faulty interpretation of The Quran, the Muslim holy book, and has caused great distress to those living within the makeshift border. Some of the laws that govern these tormented people include the beheading of anyone who speaks out against the state, the amputation of a convicted thief’s arm, and the poking of one’s eye out who is caught staring at an appealing lady passing by (Cambanis and Collard). Most of the Islamic states punishments are videotaped and released to the public as propaganda advertising ISIS. The Islamic state has so much money and so many ways of seizing wealth t hat it seems their mission has changed from an Islamic one to a monetary one; or maybe their mission was never religious to begin with? Whether the Islamic state was truly established to spread Islam or not, thousands of people have flocked to Iraq and the Middle East in hopes of joining ISIS and other terrorist groups that have reached out to them through social media. Social media plays a colossal role in people’s lives. Teenagers, adults and even children all check-in to the web on a daily basis. This has created a network in which a large number of people can easily be reached; terrorist groups have come in touch with thousands of individuals, and have successfully recruited an abundance of people, by persuading them to travel all the way to the Middle East in order to dedicate their lives to these organizations. On several occasions individuals have even trekked all the way from Europe and North America to join the Islamic state in the Middle East. But why do these individuals go through all that trouble to live the rest of their doomed lives in a third world nation? Michael Zehaf-Bibeau is the man who independently attacked both the War Memorial and Canadian Parliament last October (Friscolanti and Patriquin). During the attack, Zehaf was able to murder Cpl. Nathan Cirillo using his illegaly obtained rifle (Friscolanti and Patriquin). His reason for the attack? Islam. Zehaf was a drug addict who on several occasions was imprisoned due to robbery, drug abuse and house parties. His parents were rarely home and he often found himself alone in the house. All the nights Zehaf spent home alone, he spent wasting time online. He was quickly lured in to believing the Islamic state was his port of call after endless hours of viewing ISIS on the news and chatting with people online. To him, the media was encouraging his venture to Syria by advertising the horrific acts ISIS was committing, he stated that â€Å"the Islamic States mass murder of non-Muslims is justified because the targets supported America† (Friscolanti and Patriquin). Zehaf was arre sted trying to flee to Syria using an illegal passport; after his arrest, Zehaf expressed that the Iraqi and Afghani wars America had been involved in were sufficient justifications for his attacks in Canada. Zehaf’s hatred for America had driven him to insane measures. On 4 October 2014, nineteen-year-old Mohammed Hamzah Khan and his two younger siblings were arrested for attempting to travel to Turkey in an effort to join ISIS (Reitman). The siblings grew up in a Chicago suburb and were heavily influenced by the local mosque that preached the doctrine â€Å"An Islamic State has been established, and it is thus obligatory upon every able-bodied male and female to migrate† (Reitman). Khan was able to plan his entire journey online; he was even able to find an Islamic state recruiter who walked him through the entire procedure. The recruiter was kind enough to give Khan his phone number and assured Khan that he would be there to greet him at the airport when he arrived (Reitman). Khan was delighted, as far as he knew, he was about to join a religious Islamic society, a utopia he was honored to be a part of. After his arrest, Khan was questioned about his motives. His answer: â€Å"I wanted to help the Muslims. I never intended to return to th e U.S.† (Reitman). Somalia. That was the motive for Abdirahmaan Muhumed’s overseas attempt to join ISIS. But unlike Zehaf and Khan, Muhumed was successful. All the way from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Muhumed was not an unusual case of extremism. Minneapolis contains an enormous Somalian population; a population notorious for its sturdy cultural and traditional ties. However, Minneapolis’ Somalian population has seen several cases of radicalism, most that can be traced back to the local Mosque in the area; a Mosque said to preach an extreme form of Islam (Tuttle). Through his local Mosque, Muhumed was able to take home what he learned and express it to other people on the internet through online chatrooms. After his engagement in numerous online chatrooms, Muhumed was extremely motivated to join the fight in Syria and excited to travel and support his Somalian brothers. In August, Muhumed became the second American to die fighting for ISIS (Tuttle). The dread filled stories go on and on. Every minute of every day there is a vulnerable adult or teenager online prepared to do anything in order to be a part of something and feel important. The Islamic state, Al-Nussra, Al Shabbab, and plenty of other terrorist groups in the Middle East have exploited this sensation; most groups have even situated online recruiters to track down potential employees and persuade these employees to come join the organizations in Iraq and Syria. Muhumed, the Khan Siblings, and Zehaf were all targeted and recruited. The organizations found the men’s weaknesses and attacked. They were all recruited for different beliefs; some thought the war in Iraq was a justification for joining, while others thought their religion and culture meant they had to join the terroristic effort. But all of these men had one thing in common, they were all innocent online recruits. Confetti rains down New York City’s streets. The parade is at full capacity and an American soldier is seen with a smile across their face. They are credited with the take-down of three terrorists, and the applause never halts. Now, back to the question that initiated this paper, does this soldier deserve the recognition? Terrorism has taken a variety of definitions. But a Palestinian fighting for the freedom of their nation and their people should not fall under the definition of â€Å"terrorist†. However, an Islamic state government official amputating people’s arms off should be viewed not only as a perilous radical but as a menace to peace anywhere in the world. War, religion, and culture are some of the main reasons that extremists have emerged. Most arrested terrorists either claim that the Iraqi and Afghani wars justify their quest with ISIS, or that Islam and ties to their culture encourage them to join the Islamic states â€Å"flawless† society. R egardless of their reason, most people are recruited through social media. A phenomenon that has created an outburst in people flocking to join terrorist organizations in the Middle East. These organizations have turned an initially unstable precinct of the world into a terrorist wasteland capable of mass murder and genocide. Works Cited Bowen, Jeremy. Until The Next War. (Cover Story).New Statesman144.5253 (2015): 24-31.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 6 May 2015. Cambanis, Thanassis, and Rebecca Collard. How ISIS Runs a City. Time. Time, 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. Casertano, Stefano. Broken Peaces.World Affairs177.5 (2015): 69-74.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 7 May 2015. Emadi, Hafizullah. The Palestinian Struggle for an Independent State: Retrospect and Prospects.Contemporary Review294.1705 (2012): 159-168.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 7 May 2015. Friscolanti, Michael, and Martin Patriquin. Uncovering a Killer. Macleans 127.44 (2014): 36-42. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 1 May 2015. Giovanni, Janine di. A Jihad of Her Own.Newsweek Global162.10 (2014): 62-68. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 1 May 2015. Israeli And Palestinian Kids Caught In The Crossfire. Newsweek Global 163.5 (2014): 1-5. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 10 May 2015. OBriain, Cathal. ISILs Outward Expression of Internal Conflict.USA Today Magazine 143.2836 (2015): 56-58.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 1 May 2015. Reitman, Janet. The Children of Isis. (Cover Story). Rolling Stone 1232 (2015): 40-65. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 1 May 2015. Tuttle, Ian. Twin Cities Terrorists.National Review66.20 (2014): 22-24.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 1 May 2015. Whos To Blame For The Isis Crisis?Newsweek Global163.7 (2014): 47-51.MasterFILE Elite. Web. 10 May 2015.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Pathophysiology of Hepatitis B Essay -- Health, Diseases

Introduction Hepatitis B, an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV, a DNA virus), was formerly called serum hepatitis, inoculation hepatitis and post-transfusion hepatitis. Infection with HBV may result in acute, fulminant or chronic hepatitis, sometimes even resulting in a chronic asymptomatic carrier state, apart from hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis (Davis 179). The disease is transmitted when an individual comes in contact with infected blood or objects. It may also be transferred from an infected mother to her infant either during or after birth (Zuckerman et al. 211). Transmission may also occur by accidental inoculation from infected needles and hospital equipment, intravenous drug abuse, body piercing, tattooing, and mouth-mouth kissing (Zuckerman et al. 210). The risk of Hepatitis B is particularly high in individuals with multiple sex partners, and in homosexuals. The HBV virus occurs in morphologically different forms in the serum of infected individuals. HBV infection has an incubation period of about 75 days. Systemic symptoms of the disease include fatigue, fever, dyspepsia, arthralgia, malaise, and rash, while local symptoms include hepatomegaly, jaundice, dark urine, and pale stools (Davis 179; Zuckerman et al. 210). Anatomical/physiological/biochemical changes that lead to the disease Hepatitis B results from cellular injury to the liver, subsequently affecting its metabolic functions. However, the HBV is not cytopathic by itself. The pathogenesis of Hepatitis B occurs as a result of the interactions between the host’s immune system and the virus. The host immune system targets HBV in liver cells (hepatocytes), inadvertently causing damage to the liver. HBV derived proteins (... ...BeAg), bilirubin level, and platelet count (Pyrsopoulos and Reddy). The disease prognosis can be done by calculating the prognostic index based on the status of these six variables. Conclusion HBV infection is complex and affects a large population worldwide. The discovery of the Australia antigen (HBsAg) in 1965 by Blumberg et al. (1965) set the stage for rapid progress in understanding and counteracting the disease (qtd in Zuckerman et al. 210). Liver function tests help in estimating the extent of damage caused to the liver during HBV infection. Diagnosis is done by detecting viral specific antigens in the serum. Both active and passive immunization options exist for disease prophylaxis. However, it is always best to practice caution over the parenteral, sexual and other routes of transmission of the disease for effective disease prevention and prophylaxis.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

The relaxed way to consider the concept of a differentiated culture is that of a system of sub cultures that occur in the organization. A casual look at an organization tells gigantic cultural diversity in terms of distinct offices; style of office lay out, uniforms accepted by staff groups; sharing of technology; style of technology, and work groups environment. Sub cultures are fruitful in numbers and range of cultural diversity. According to the research done by Dr. David Potter in his work Cultural Change states that the basic recipes for forming a sub culture are: 1. Two or more people come together for a common cause. 2. They encounter problems that require solving. 3. They develop solutions to solve these problems 4. More people join the group. 5. The groups are â€Å"cultivated† by the original founder or founders of the group. 6. A hierarchy starts to emerge. 7. A culturally specific expressive style emerges e.g. language, dress, and behaviors. 8. Group values, norms and established behaviors are developed then internalized by group members as the natural order of things. 9. Rituals, routines and artifacts are manufactured by the group as it grows that insulate their values, norms and established behaviors from change. 10. A cultural protocol emerges that through time is taken for granted by group members. 11. New group members are inculcated into the group culture through mediums such as storytelling, formal inductions, professional study and practical demonstrations to name but a few. 12. As the group continues to grow the established cultural themes morph into deeply held assumptions that form the cultural web of the group culture. The American philosopher and psychologist William James wrote, â€Å"In every concrete individual,... ...he first priority. Children are celebrated and sheltered. Wife fulfills domestic role. Mobility is limited. Difficulty separating work and personal relationships. Sensitive to differences of opinion. Fears loss of face, especially publicly.Shuns confrontation. Where as in America/Canada Wife often fulfills dual roles and Mobility quite common. Separates work from emotions/personal relationships.Sensitivity seen as weakness. Tough business front. In case of nationalism, Mexico Very nationalistic, Proud of long history and traditions, where as American/Canada Very patriotic. Proud of "American way of life." Assumes everyone shares his/her materialistic values ( Fu, Dienes, Shang, & Fu, 2013). Title and position more important than money in eyes of society in society case of Mexican where as money is main status measure and is reward for achievement in American/Canada.

Industrial Revolution Essay -- essays research papers

The most far-reaching, influential transformation of human culture since the advent of agriculture eight or ten thousand years ago, was the industrial revolution of eighteenth century Europe. The consequences of this revolution would change irrevocably human labor, consumption, family structure, social structure, and even the very soul and thoughts of the individual. This revolution involved more than technology; to be sure, there had been industrial "revolutions" throughout European history and non-European history. In Europe, for instance, the twelfth and thirteenth centuries saw an explosion of technological knowledge and a consequent change in production and labor. However, the industrial revolution was more than technology-impressive as this technology was. What drove the industrial revolution were profound social changes, as Europe moved from a primarily agricultural and rural economy to a capitalist and urban economy, from a household, family-based economy to an ind ustry-based economy. This required rethinking social obligations and the structure of the family; the abandonment of the family economy, for instance, was the most dramatic change to the structure of the family that Europe had ever undergone-and we're still struggling with these changes. In 1750, the European economy was overwhelmingly an agricultural economy. The land was owned largely by wealthy and frequently aristocratic landowners; they leased the land to tenant farmers who paid for the land in real goods that they grew or produced. Most non-agricultural goods were produced by individual families that specialized in one set of skills: wagon-wheel manufacture, for instance. Most capitalist activity focused on mercantile activity rather than production; there was, however, a growing manufacturing industry growing up around the logic of mercantilism. The European economy, though, had become a global economy. In our efforts to try to explain why the Industrial Revolution took place , the globalization of the European economy is a compelling explanation. European trade and manufacture stretched to every continent except Antarctica; this vast increase in the market for European goods in part drove the conversion to an industrial, manufacturing economy. Why other nations didn't initially join this revolution is in part explained by the monopolistic control that the Europeans exerted... ...ine in 1763; this cooling chamber condensed the steam so the cylinder itself didn't have to be cooled. Patented in 1769, Watt's steam engine had the efficiency to be applied to all kinds of industries. He was not, however, good at doing busines and it was only when he had teamed up with the businessman, Matthew Boulton, that the steam engine began to change the face of English manufacture. By 1800, Watt and Boulton sold 289 of these new engines; by the middle of the next century, the steam engine replaced water as the major source of motive power in England and Europe. The changes that the steam engine wrought, however, is a story for another day. And it is here, with 289 steam engines pumping and steaming around England that we'll leave the story of the Industrial Revolution-half-completed, you might say. The nineteenth century saw the exporting of the Industrial Revolution to Europe in the decades after 1830, and the explosion of factory-based, technology driven manufacture. The Age of Absolutism and the waning years of the Enlightenment saw Europe just beginning a new phase in its history, one that would irreperably severe it from the traditions and certainties of the past.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

E.M Forster

E. M Forster Essay â€Å"I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. † It appears to me that E. M Forster does make a valuable point in her personal speculation to believe that personal relations are more important than a simple cause or patriotism. In this essay I will give reason to Forster’s opinion as well as the other view of things. Without beloved friends, not only would there be no country,but also the world would seem lonely and one would be lost. (Correlative conj. At some unexpected point in all our lives, we must come to an end, and when we do we want to be able to think, â€Å" When I must leave this world, I’m actually going to be satisfied† (complex sentence) Friends engender a certain warmth that your country will never be able to formulate within. â€Å"A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally conf ide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity. † (Compound Sentence) This quote is a true definition of a dear friend. The comprehension between two friends is something that you simply cannot get anywhere else, let alone from your country. A single rose can be my garden, but a single friend can be my world. † Friends are roses. (metaphor) Friends blossom with you, helping you grow as a person, enlightening you, every step you take. Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever. (simile) Although this esoteric view may seem like the correct way into choosing a friend over a country, others may contradict that and think otherwise. One may think that being there for one’s country is the absolute least thing you can do to show honor and pride. The love of one's country is a splendid thing. † It’s true, having pride of what land you reside in is great. Some may argue with t he thought of standing by their country rather than a friend is a much wiser idea simply because of how your country will physically never abandon you like some friends might do over time. â€Å"Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country† One can create a certain barrier of so-called protection by simply protecting their country in hope of receiving something spiritual in return.Loyalty and pride are two traits everyone should have when speaking of their homeland, how far they take it, is entirely their own path and choice to take. Overall, I agree with E. M Forster’s main idea in choosing friends over her own country if it would ever result to that. â€Å"As the year go by our friendship will never die† Even when it may not be physically visible friendship will always be there to comfort you with lengthy arms of warmth, encouragement, and companionship, traits that your own shining country will never have.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Business Communication in Toyota Essay

1. Introduction In Toyota Motors Corporation there are several communication methods by which employees share their ideas, information, opinions and feelings. The following are some of the methods of internal communication: news-letter, face to face, notice board, memo, e-mail, telephone, text messages, and instant messaging. The sharing ideas, information, opinions and feelings contribute to the operations of teams and the work of individuals within the corporation. I will suggest about four methods of two-way internal communication. 2. Vertical Communications Vertical Communication is the communication between those who are on different levels of authority within the company. For example, manager to employee, general manager to managers, foreman to machine operator, head of the department to cashiers, etc. Vertical communications occurs between hierarchically positioned people and can involve both downward and upward communication flows. i. Downward Vertical Communication Downward Communication is more prevalent than upward communication. Downward Communication flows from supervisor to employee, from policy makers to operating personal, or from top to bottom on the organization chart. As messages move downward through successive levels of the organization, they seem to get larger. If top managers communicate directly with immediate supervisors and immediate supervisors communicate with their staff. A simple policy statement from the top of the organization may grow into a formal plan for operation at lower levels. Their decisions taken at the top of an organization are broadly stated policies in line with organization. Downward communication is used by the managers for providing a complete understanding of the employees’ job as well as to communicate them how their jobs are related to other jobs in the organization. ii. Upward Vertical Communication Upward communication generally is feedback to downward communication. Although necessary and valuable, upward communication contains risk. When management requests information from lower organization levels, the resulting information becomes feedback to that request. Employees talk to supervisors about methods of doing it, and their discernment of the  organization. Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal workforce in an organization because the employees are given a chance to raise and speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The manager get to know about the employees’ feelings toward their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general. Managers can according to take the actions for improving things. These comments are feedback to the downward flow transferred in both spoken and written form by group meetings, procedures, company news releases, and grapevine. It is used to communicate links with down levels of employees and communicate with the staff in a sown level of their seniors. 3. Horizontal/Lateral Communications Horizontal Communications are messages sent between staff on the same level of the organization hierarchy. It indicates the exchange of information between individuals in different departments or divisions within the same organization. Often, it occurs in staff relationships. There are two kinds of communication in horizontal communication. They are direct horizontal communication and indirect horizontal communication. v. Direct Horizontal Communication This indicates the exchanges of information between individuals of similar position in different departments. Such as in Toyota Car Company, a middle management from department 1 to direct communicates to another middle management from department 2. It is between similar position direct communications. This type of communication ensures coordination of activities and increases cooperation between managers and similar organization. Managers are having little understanding of the objectives or other problems such as production and marking. For example; they may be form conflict because of their different objectives and ideas. Hence, the vital importance of planning/control meetings, establishment and discussion of corporate plans and budgetary control for the whole organization. vi. Indirect Horizontal Communication This indicate communication between each level of department and different level of another department. Such as a middle management in department 1  communicates to other foreman supervisors in department 2. For example; in Toyota Car Company, the leader in department is indirect other department of manager. It is used to communicate with the staff relationships. And then we can also prepare direct and indirect plan to meet the staff.  But we will notice that a number of staff seen to have problems in understanding the message about the lack of bonuses. At that time, we will solve these problems. So, we need to communication to answer for the questions. We will need important communication. They are non-verbal communication, meta-communication and paralanguage. 4. Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving wordless messages. Non-verbal communications include facial expressions, the tone of the voice, gestures displayed through body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact, sense of touch, sense of smell and body motions, object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, or symbols and info graphics. Other mean, in the process of communication is talking without speaking a word. These non-verbal signals can give clues and additional information and meaning over and verbal communication. Define or reinforce the relationship between people and provide feedback to the other person. For example, nodding and shaking are also important techniques when listening to the other person speaks. It shows that to use nodding and shaking can presented you are listening and you can understand what the speaker is talking anything. 5. Meta-communications Meta-communications is a good special form of the communication that indicates how verbal information should be understood and interpreted. I think that it being using in surrounding. It concerns stimuli surrounding the verbal communication that also have meaning. It may be supportive and facial expression. For Example, we often used (x) in mathematics. It represents unknown number. It functions as a formal definition of the function of meta-communication in the communication. 6. Paralanguage Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously, and includes the pitch, volume and in some cases, intonation of speech. The study known as paralinguistic. Paralinguistic is a long word and use for the noises people. In school, teacher is often using this to show the agreement – â€Å"uh-huh†, â€Å"mm†, â€Å"uh-oh†, â€Å"oh† and so on. They are often useful. For example; like smiling. We will explain about the important main of communication. And decision which may prevent the staff from understanding the information about the lack of bonuses. There are three main barriers to communication. * Emotional Interference- An emotional individual may not be able to communicate well. If someone is angry, hostile, resentful, joyful, or fearful, that person may be too preoccupied with emotions to receive the intended message. If you don’t like someone, for example, you may have trouble â€Å"hearing† them. * Conflicting Messages- Messages that cause a conflict in perception for the receiver may result in incomplete communication. For example, of a person constantly uses jargon or slang to communicate with someone from another country who has never heard such expressions, mixed messages are sure to result. Another example of conflicting messages might be if a supervisor requests a report immediately without giving the report writer enough time to gather the pro per information. * No Provision for Feedback- Since communication is two way process, the sender must search for a means of getting a response from the receiver. If a team leader does not permit any interruption nor questions while discussing projects, he may find that team members may not completely understand what they are to do. Face-to-face oral communication is considered the best type of communication since feedback can be both verbal and nonverbal. When two communicators are separated, care must be taken to ask for meaningful feedback. We should prepare the interviews about concerned that staff have become de-motivated by the decision to discontinue bonuses and by the success of Toyota competitors. We should prepare meeting the staff and employee. An interview is only effective if it is thoroughly prepare the necessary information plane. We make sure that we have all the  necessary data. We need to prepare the files and all the relevant matter. And then we also need to explain the staff why we will to de-motivate by the decision to discontinue bonuses. We prefer need make matters notes which are particularly important to say. We knew that in the interview, the staff will ask any specific questions. So, we require making answer to answer the questions. And other then, we should plan a time for meeting with the staff. And also need to interview one to one. So, we need to decisions or action for the meeting. 7. Four different types of questions And then in the interview, there are form four different types of question. They are closed questions, open questions, follow-up questions and leading questions. Closed questions are those which have only a very limited range of responses, often only say â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no†. Closed question should not always be thought of as simple questions that anyone can quickly answer merely because they require a yes or no answer. Closed questions can also be very complicated. For example, â€Å"Is one in binary equal to one in counting numbers?† is a closed question that not everyone would be able to quickly answer. Other example, asking someone if they have done something invites just those two alternatives Open questions are ones that require more than one word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, a few sentences or something longer such as a speech, paragraph or essay. Open questions invite a more developed response, often involving the speaker’s opinions or feelings as well more information or evidence in support of an argument. For example, how do we fell to which employee? How do we improve for our Toyota Car Company? These types of question tend to close down opportunities for discussion. They should be used sparingly, if at all. They can be useful, though, for determining the other person’s position on an issue as a prelude to follow-up question which does open-up the discussion. We should also need to understand leading questions. These are questions which in their wording or their tone, suggest a particular answer and, again  they do little to take the communication forward. In fact, they are usually inviting conformation of the questioner’s position, rather than opening up the discussion. 8. Group Conflicts In Toyota Car Company, we have to explain many problems. We have taken notice from employee’s feedback that some employees are worry about the potential 35,000 redundancies worldwide which Toyota Car Company are planning to undertake in the next few years. So, this is also form group conflicts in the workforce currently. In the shop floor level of organization, there appears to be group conflicts. It forms in intergroup, departments. The group members are often necessary to complete the work required to operate a business. Sometime, groups inter-relate to accomplish the organization’s goals and objectives, and conflict can occur. At the time, we will form concern between the staff. It occur group conflicts in the workforce currently may be work interdependence, goal variances and the increased demand for specialists. Differences in perceptions among groups regarding time and statues, when coupled with different goals, can also create conflict. For examples, the group to produce the new design of Toyota Car, but members is different idea design to produce car. It will appear to be conflicts in the group. Boss have taken notice from employee’s feedback that some employees are worried about the potential 35,000 redundancies worldwide which Toyota are planning to undertake in the next few years. This is also having a negative impact on working with teams. There are some reasons to causes the group conflicts. We make plan for the group conflicts to organize and plan the redundancy process. We will write answers to retrench some staff and remove bonuses for thousands of senior employees as it tries to regain investor confidence and stopping bonuses are the latest steps in an extensive cost cutting drive that will lead the company to cut 35,000 jobs worldwide in the next five years in the face of a competitive car market. Confirmation of the bonus decision is expected this month when Toyota unveils its full results the company make record losses. Toyota traditionally pays bonuses in March to all senior staff members worldwide. Due to the changes in economic performance, staffs were not given any bonus payments last year. When Toyota  Car Company grew much larger than began, corporate evolution meant an increase in office space, include the technology. Advances in technology have many new methods of communication to communicate with employee, suppliers. 9. Intranet for employee communication We need to use intranet communication to communicate with employee. This communication links with our company employees connections. For example; in Toyota Car Company, manager should be discuss with employee for to produce new communication. As a group, need to communication links with the down levels of employees. For example; in a group, our received a new order from customer, we are discuss with employee (intranet communication) to produce it new order. So, intranet communication need to communicate with employee. Intranet communication helps to improve communication with employee. It support links with customers and partners. Employees can view up to date information about the company and changes being made. 10. Extranet for communication with Ford’s suppliers This communication links with both their input and output connections. For example, our Toyota Car Company will have communications with our suppliers of raw materials and spare parts and with all of our customers. As our organization grow, the number of communication links with the outside environment increases. It is important that the extranet communication should be integrated with the internal communication. For examples, our received an order from a supplier (external communication) has to be processed and executed within the organization (internal communication) and then the documents of sales, plans and invoice have to be sent to the customer (external communication). So, external communication is preferred need that communicates with suppliers and customers. Extranet communication helps in improve company efficiency and output by automating procedures that were done manually in the past. They can help in improving relationships with main or potential suppliers by giving them correct, precise and efficient information. This helps in cutting down the meetings time and is also helpful when doing our business having with partners located in different countries and in different time zones. 11. Email for sending press releases to the national press This email with the development of electronic office communication based on computers, the ability to send and receive messages. We are using internal email to send to national press for to develop to know that many different kinds of Toyota car. As use email, we will easy to link with our customers and suppliers. Email communication has many advantages such as emails it the most wide used application on the internal. Email communication has many advantages such as email is the most wide used application on the internet. It can easy to get embarrassing comments. Email communication is effective to business. It is easy to distribute information such as many kinds of car designs. And then the person can also order news car from passing email. So, we also need email to send press releases and send national press. The organization charts are also need to show for business. Organization charts is very important to an organization. An organizational structure should enable the organization to change or to respond according to its environment. If it is very effective it is called a flexible structure. Mainly there are two types of structure. They are organic structure and mechanistic structure. It has few rules and regulations, encourages employee teamwork, and decentralizes decision making to employees doing the job. The Business Development Manager mention the percentage of sales from each regional sales office in North America are 15%, 22%, 18%, 28%, 7%, 10% . The total of this graph shows the total Toyota Sales for 2007. | Advantages| Disadvantages| Pie chart| They are visually very clear and of ten uncluttered with additional information. They are also very helpful to illustrate profits as they use percentages.| They cannot use to compare that whole with another. Not use to compare one year and another year products.| Line graph| It shows specific values of data well. It reveal trends and relationships between data and compare trends in different groups of a variable. It can clearly show error values in the data. It usually simple to read and understand. It can also give you a nice visual representation of a function or equation.| Line graph are confuse in business. It can only be used to  show data over time. You can change the way the data of a line graph appears, by not using consistent scales on the axis. Labeling trends to convolute graphs, difficult to discern exact values for data.| Table| It is easy to read and easy to compare the different types of production of years. It has exact numbers no points on a graph.| It d oes not click with the more visually-oriented audience.| Now know that Boss has needed a check-list and need to prepare a kind of check-list let him know how we prepare that case. Following is a sample check-list when we go to travel and then will explain how to improve the visual communication with new technology. References: Downward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication. Available on (27/6/2013) Group Conflict, Available on Bilugan, Renory L., 29.May.2011 Available on (27/6/2013) Types of Non-Verbal Communication. Available on (27/6/2013) Understanding Conflict – Meaning and Phases of Conflict. Available on (27/6/2013) Sam, Alexander and eHow Contributor, Advantages & Disadvantages of a Pie Chart. Available on (25/6/2013) Barriers to Effective Communication, Available on (25/6/2013)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Determining Lung Capacity

Determining lung capacity Experiment: This is the experiment of determining lung capacity. All the students in the group measured three types of different parameters: vital capacity, expiratory reserve and tidal volume. â€Å"Lung volumeizing refer to physical differences in lung volume, while lung capacities represent different combinations of lung volumes, usually in relation to inhalation and exhalation. The average pair of human lungs can hold about 6 liters of air, but only a small amount of this capacity is used during normal breathing. Several factors affect lung volumes, some that can be controlled and some that can not. Lung volumes can be measured using the following terms[1]: Table 1 Larger volumes |Smaller volumes | |males |Females | |taller people |shorter people | |non-smokers |smokers | |athletes |non-athletes | |people living at high altitudes |people living at low altitudes | The results that were measured during the experiment are showen in the table. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. Vital capacity is the amount of air that can be forced out of the lungs after maximal inspiration. The precise formula for measuring vital capacity is: Inspiratory reserve volume( IRV) + Tidal volume( TV) + Expiratory reserve volume (ERV). 2] My calculations showed next values of diameter of the balloon: First measurement = 19 cm Seco nd measurement = 20 cm Third measurement = 21 cm Fourth measurement = 21 cm Average one is = 20. 25 However, the only formula that we used in this experiment to calculate the volume in balloon is next one: VOLUME = 1. 33 [pic] r[pic], where r = [pic] of the average diameter of the balloon and [pic]= 3. 14. So in this case, vital capacity is: r = 10. 125 V= 1. 33 [pic] 3. 14 [pic]( 10. 125)[pic] V= 4334. 77 2. Expiratory reserve capacity is the amount of additional air that can be breathed out after the end expiratory level of normal breathing. 3] Expiratory reserve that was measured showed next values: First measurement =13. 5 cm Second measurement = 14 cm Third measurement = 13. 5 cm Fourth measurement = 14 cm Average one is = 13. 75 r = 6. 875 V = 1. 33 [pic] 3. 14 [pic]( 6. 875)[pic] V = 1357. 06 3. Tidal volume is the amount of air breathed in or out during normal respiration[4]. Tidal volume that was measured showe next results: First measurement = 15 cm Second measurement = 15 . 5 cm Third measurement = 15. 5 cm Fourth measurement = 15 cm Average one is = 15. 25 r = 7. 625 V = 1. 33 [pic] 3. 14 [pic]( 7. 625)[pic] V = 1851. 402 Conclusion: It is possible to deduce that each of the volumes is bigger in males than in females. This is because of the construction of the body, where men need larger lung capacity than women. In this way we proved the statement is the Table 1. The other thing that was proved is that athlets have much bigger lung capacity than those who don't play any sport. This is better shown in female example in this experiment. We can see also that the vital capacity is the largest because it represent the amount of air exhaled after maximum inhalation. Tidal volume is smaller, because it is the air exhaled during normal respiration. However, it is also shown that Expiratory reserve is the smallest, because it represents the amount of air exhaled right before next inhalation. Evaluation: We could extend this experiment by measuring other values such as: 1. „Total Lung Capacity (TLC). The formula for calculating TLC is = IRV + TV + ERV + RV. This is the volume of gas contained in the lung at the end of maximal inspiration. 2. Forced vital capacity. This is the amount of air that can be maximally forced out of the lungs after a maximal inspiration. 3. Residual volume (RV). This is the amount of air left in the lungs after a maximal exhalation. 4. Inspiratory reserve volume ( IRV). The formula for calcutaing IRV = VC- ( TV + ERV). This is the additional air that can be inhaled after a normal tidal breath in. 5. Functional residual capacity (FRC). The formula for calculating FRC = ERV+ RV. This is the amount of air left in the lungs after a tidal breath out. 6. Inspiratory capacity ( IC). The formula for calculating IC = TV + IRV. This is the volume that can be inhaled after a tidal breathe-out. †[5] In this way, it would be possible to calculate all the values using the right formulas. In this experiment, we might have some errors. During the measurement of the diameter of the balloon, it is possible that the values read on the ruler were wrong. [pic] Graph showing vital capacity of the students [pic] Graph showing expiratory reserve of the students [pic] Graph showing tidal volume of the students | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ———————– [1] www. wikipedia. com [2] www. wikipedia. com [3] www. wikipedia. com [4] www. wikipedia. com [5] www. wikipedia. com